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67 ss hood OG

1.9K views 12 replies 9 participants last post by  Johnny  
#1 ·
I have this 67 ss og hood with some damage, was wondering if its any good to someone ore just scrap? i also have the piece that got cut out in the center.

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#6 ·
where did you find the hood? In 68, I put a Weinand high rise and Holley carb on my SS. The hood wouldn't close so cut a hole in the top, put a painted black piece of sheet metal across the top and away I went. The hood went missing along with the drive-line in 72. Are there any traces of Royal plum paint on the underside? Just maybe it will lead to the discovery of my drive-line. Thanks, John:hurray:
#9 ·
Do you see the alan screws just in side of the of the ss insets? I was wondering what those were for but what your saying about the sheet metal kinda makes since. The car this hood was on was running around Mesa Ca which is near San Diego. When they stole your hood did they get the piece that you cut out as well?
#12 ·
I sold the car in 68, the piece that I cut out was in the trunk, would have been Royal plum. We used some kind of fastener, can't remember what but it held the sheet metal on that was stuck on the humps. After looking the photos over a little better, we actually did a better job of cutting the hole out than that. Did get me excited for a while though. Thanks for responding, John
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